
Fat free isn't cool!!!

Our shelves are full of 'fat free' 'low fat' 'reduced fat' products.

Problem is that sometimes 'fat free' is, well, taste free. And to make up for the lack of taste, they add sugar, aswell as many other things, which means unnecessary calories.

The type of fat you eat may be more important than the amount of fat you eat!!!

Bad fats - Trans fats and Saturated fats

Trans fats - I am not even going to waste my time talking about trans fats because they have no beneficial qualities whatsoever. They are nasty (contain partially hydrogenated oils) present in almost all processed food - Stay Away!!!

Saturated fats - primarily animal based fats like meat, cheese and eggs, which you should limit for the good of your heart, your weight and your overall health.

Bad fats increase cholesterol and your risk of certain diseases.

The one exception to this is coconut oil and coconut meat, which do contain saturated fat but it is the plant based kind - a very different story (coconut post to come). Coconut oil and meat contain a saturated fat called lauric acid, that has been shown to increase your good HDL cholesterol.

Enough of the bad stuff, onto the good stuff!!!

Good fats - Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated

Good fats can be found in nuts, olive oil, canola oil, avocados, linseeds, flaxseeds and oily fish.

Both mono and poly, help improve blood cholesterol, decrease your risk of heart disease, manage your moods, fight fatigue and can even control your weight. All good!!!

Make healthier choices, replace bad with good! Remember knowledge is key!

Choose wisely!

Not all fat is bad for you!!!

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